06/15/2021 6:00pm ET + More dates

Disability (Is Not a Bad Word)

Disability (Is Not a Bad Word) is a safe peer-led space to build support and friendship.

offered by Peer Support Space

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Disability (Is Not a Bad Word)
Disability (Is Not a Bad Word) is a safe peer-led space to build support and friendship.

Disability (Is Not a Bad Word) is a safe peer-led space to build support and friendship. This group is for folks who are disabled (self-defined), chronically ill, those who experience chronic pain, have mobility impairments, and anyone who is navigating living outside of the spectrum of neurotypical and/or able-bodied norms.
We honor that every individual is their own expert and every individual has the right to make their own choices including how they explain, understand, address, and describe their lived experience, mental/physical health, and identities.
In a world that often doesn’t make room for us, this group is a space for us to feel a sense of comfort and belonging. It’s a chance to meet others like you, who can relate to what you may be going through. People who need or want assistance are welcome to bring someone to join them during the group’s meetings, but otherwise this group is closed to only patrons for whom the group is meant. We will have an open discussion on a different topic each month. We welcome you to come and just be in the space with us, there is no need to share anything to attend, your role as a supportive listener is equally as important. Our focus is around discussing daily life, having a safe space to vent and air grievances, discussing topics relevant to our community, celebrating our diverse abilities, while creating friendships with like-minded peers.
In This Group We:
-Always accept new members
-Are accepting of all body types, abilities, ages, sexual orientations, genders, and backgrounds.
-Respect any and all accommodations that are needed to be made.
-Welcome all levels of physical abilities
-Keep things confidential
-Are non-judgmental and understand that all of our stories are different
-Respect any language that you use to express your identities and lived experiences
Please reach out if there is any way we can help our group be accessible for you!
This is a non-clinical group that is led by Bell Giannosa (they/them) & Renée (she/hers).
Bell is a disabled person passionate about creating a space for you all. You can contact Bell at bell@basicallywonderful.online
From Renée: I have been an active member in the peer support space community from the moment I heard about it. I live with multiple chronic illnesses and I love getting to create space for others with similar experiences and interests as I believe one of the most important things in life is human connection! I value open communication and creativity. My hope is to help people find things to smile about.
This space was made possible through a partnership between Peer Support Space and Basically Wonderful.
Learn about Peer Support Space at peersupportspace.org
Learn more about Basically Wonderful at basicallywonderful.online

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Ages: All ages

Date and Time
06/15/2021 6:00pm ET
Peer Support Space
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