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Add your event or service listing on Clusive.

Add your event or service listing on Clusive.

Interested in having your event or offering on Clusive? Here is the process:


Learn about hosting your event on Clusive

We’d love to host your event or one-on-one service on Clusive. This is a platform for all abilities, and we post events that can be adapted to various needs.


Gather the information for your Event / Service

If you’re hosting an event, gather the information such as video links, how many people you can accommodate, a description of what you are providing, appropriate age groups, etc. For tutors and therapists, please gather this information as well as having an online calendar that shows your availability.


Submit your Event / Offering

Once you’ve reviewed our information and gathered yours, fill out the form below to create a listing. We’ll be in touch shortly to verify information and get your listing online.

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Submit your event information below.